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Brasscheck Books

JFK and RFK’s Secret Battle Against Zionist Extremism

To the uninformed, it would appear that the U.S. has given an unwavering “blank check” to the Zionist State of Israel since the date of its founding. This has never been the case. To varying degrees, many U.S. Presidents have put conditions on aid, none more so than President John. F. Kennedy and his Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who demanded full transparency on Israel’s nuclear program and its political lobbying efforts in the U.S.


What The Nurses Saw:
An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back to Save Their Patients

Over 1,000,000 Americans are said to have “died” of COVID” between 2020 and 2023. 92% of these deaths occurred in hospitals or other health care facilities. The U.S. despite having approximately 4.2% of the total world population had more reported COVID deaths in absolute terms than any other country and by far measure. This book addresses the so-far unasked question “Why?”


The Nuremberg Code:
75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

With a moving introduction by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, this 75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition of the Nuremberg Code features translations of the original text in 11 languages in addition to English.

A concise and essential document on the subject of patient rights, drafted in response to many heinous abuses by doctors, nurses, and public health officials during the Nazi regime.


Fauci’s First Fraud:
The Foundation of Medical Totalitarianism in America 

Forty years before the global COVID panic, U.S. federal bureaucracies like the CDC and NIAID were having trouble justifying their budgets because of the dramatic decline of deaths from infectious diseases.

The solution: The creation of a propaganda machine that successfully both floods the news media with hysteria-tinged reports of biological doom while simultaneously shouting down all rational scientific and medical discussion.


John F. Kennedy Anti-Imperialist:
His Character and Intentions Revealed in Five Speeches and One Telegram

John F. Kennedy was an anti-imperialist in word and deed. He used his position, first as a Senator from Massachusetts and then as the President of the United States, to publicly articulate over and over again an alternative vision of how the United States could use its power and wealth in the world peacefully and in a way that supported the independence and development of poorer, weaker nations.


Genocide in Gaza:
The Evidence

The purpose of this book is to provide you with the three key documents related to the claim by the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel in the International Court of Justice (World Court). South Africa is applying to the court for a Provisional Declaration of Intervention.

The three documents are, in the order they are presented in this book:

1- Application Instituting Proceedings and Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures
2- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention)
3- Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987





78 Days of Terror:
The US-Led NATO Attack on the Civilians of Yugoslavia

A few days after its 50th anniversary, NATO began an aerial bombing assault on Yugoslavia which continued through June 10, 1999 and involved over 38,000 air combat missions. The assault, led by U.S. General Wesley Clark, targeted civilian infrastructure including bridges, food and industrial plants, hospitals, electrical grids, schools, cultural sites, and privately owned businesses. NATO applied for but was denied U.N. Security Council approval for waging what turned out to be a 78-day bombing campaign. It proceeded anyway.


Unraveling the CoVid Con, Volume I:
The 2020-2022 Blog Posts

This book shows, with time-stamped clarity, that the multi-layered frauds that were used to sell the CoVid panic were apparent virtually from Day One.

If you want to see what thinking for yourself in the face of an onslaught of government and news media bullshit looks like in practice, this book is a shining example.


Unraveling the CoVid Con,
Volume II:
Interviews From April 2020 and Beyond

In-depth elaboration on many of the themes explored in Volume I, including:

How to recognize medical scams before they injure you —
Simple stage hypnosis tricks governments use to coerce the public — Fauci’s 40+ year history of medical and scientific fraud — How the news media and Pharma are joined at the hip — Pharma’s never-ending vaccine money-grab — The real reason they wanted to “flatten the curve” — Similarities between Nazi doctors and today’s CoVid zealots — Evidence the Great Flu of 1918 was massively exaggerated — And many more…


The Nuremberg Code and its Modern Enemies

Where did respect for the Nuremberg Code go?

In the middle of the COVID Panic, the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code (2022) came and went without recognition or even mention from anyone in the medical ethics profession.

Meanwhile, a cottage industry of “reporters” sprung up producing a stream of articles about how the Code was out of date, not legally binding, and does not apply to COVID vaccines. This book answers the question “Why?”

Coming in 2025