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================================================== All brasscheck.com dispatches on the US-led attack on Yugoslavia are available, complete with index, at http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia Please inform your friends, colleagues, and others who you think might care. ================================================== May 31, 1999 "Goebbels... was using my book 'Crystallizing Public Opinion' as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews...Obviously the attack on the Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate planned campaign." - Edward Bernays, US inventor of modern corporate public relations, "The Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of Public Relations Counsel Edward L. Bernays" ================================================= "We are professionals. We had a job to do and we did it. We are not paid to be moral" It should be clear to anyone who has done even the slightest research on the subject that there are very, very few true journalists practicing in the world today. Most reporters simply repeat what they are told by authorities and their "investigations" are usually little more than elaborations of the currently fashionable party line. For those who have tried to battle it, the thick wall of prejudice against the Serbs generated by the mainstream western news media has been all but insurmountable. No atrocity is considered beyond them and if there is no evidence readily at hand, manufacturing it is considered acceptable. No punishment - ruining their food and water supplies, destroying their hospitals and clinics, murdering their children - is considered too extreme. One question rarely asked is who starts these fashions? When the fashion is to slander one group to the point of death, answering this question is particularly urgent. The question of the origin of the current hate speech campaign against the Serbs is answerable. Like many 'crystallized' public opinions, it was engineered by professionals who spend their lives creating images for public consumption. (The book "Toxic Sludge is Good For You" by Stauber and Rampton, Common Courage Press, is an excellent introduction to the mechanics of how the public is "sold" ideas.) The key procedures usually take place in the office of a US public relations company. Since World War One, there has been a great deal of cooperation between those in public relations (PR), the military, intelligence agencies and US corporations. Surprisingly, it is not that difficult to discover the seed of a manufactured idea. Public relations executives are, like everyone else, fond of their "accomplishments" and often can be found bragging about them. In 1993, French TV journalist Jacques Merlino published a book entitled: "Les verites Yougoslaves ne sont pas toutes bonnes a dire" - "Yugoslav truths are not all good for telling" Reviews of this book have appeared in: 1.A Monthly Jewish Review - Midstream, New York, April 1994 ("Stopping the war in Yugoslavia", Author: Dr. Yohanan Ramati) 2.Intelligence Digest, Great Britain, February 4, 1994 ("Manipulating the media") 3.Jewish Chronicle, Great Britain, December 10, 1993 ("The secret weapon? PR", Author Nora Beloff) In his book, Merlino included an interview with James Harff, director of Global Public Affairs for Ruder & Finn, a top 15 US public relations firm. The interview, which was conducted in October of 1993, follows: Harrf: For 18 months, we have been working for the Republics of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as for the opposition in Kosovo. Throughout this period, we had many successes, giving us a formidable international image. We intend to make advantage of this and develop commercial agreements with these countries. Speed is vital, because items favourable to us must be settled in public opinion. The first statement counts. The retractions have no effect. Question: What are your methods of operation? Harff: The essential tools in our work are a card file, a computer, and a fax. The card file contains a few hundred names of journalists, politicians, academicians, and representatives of humanitarian organizations. The computer goes through the card files according to correlated subjects, coming up with very effective targets. The computer is tied into a fax. In this way, we can disseminate information in a few minutes to those we think will react (positively). Our job is to assure that the arguments for our side will be the first to be expressed. Question: How often do you intervene? Harff: Quantity is not important. You have to intervene at the right time with the right person... ... Question: What achievement were you most proud of? Harff: To have managed to put Jewish opinion on our (Croatian and Bosnian) side. This was a sensitive matter, as the dossier was dangerous when looked at from this angle. President Tidjman (Croatia) was very careless in his book "Wastelands of Historical Reality". Reading this writings, one could accuse him of anti-semitism. In Bosnia, the situation was no better: President Izetbegovic strongly supported the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic state in his book "The Islamic Declaration". Besides, the Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by a real and cruel anti-semitism. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps. So there was every reason for intellectuals and Jewish organizations to be hostile towards the Croats and Bosnians. Our challenge was to reverse this attitude. And we succeeded masterfully. At the beginning of August 1992, New York Newsday came out with the affair of (Serb) concentration camps. We jumped at the opportunity immediately. We outwitted three big Jewish organizations - B'Nai Brith Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress. We suggested to them to publish an advertisement in the New York Times and to organize demonstrations outside the U.N. This was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the side of the Bosnians, we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind. Nobody understood what was happening in Yugoslavia. The great majority of Americans were probably asking themselves in which African country Bosnia was situated. But, by a single move, we were able to present a simple story of good guys and bad guys, which would thereafter play by itself. We won by targeting the Jewish audience. Almost immediately there was a clear change of language in the press, with the use of words with high emotional content, such as "ethnic cleansing", "concentration camps", etc. which evoked images of Nazi Germany and the gas chambers of Auschwitz. The emotional charge was so powerful that nobody could go against it. Question: But when you did all of this, you had no proof that what you said was true. You only had the article in Newsday! (Editor's note: The Newsday article was based on a photo staged by a British 'journalist' and contained a number of extreme falsehoods.) Harff: Our work is not to verify information. We are not equipped for that. Our work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us, to aim at judiciously chosen targets. We did not confirm the existence of death camps in Bosnia, we just made it known that Newsday affirmed it. Question: Are you aware that you took on a grave responsibility? Harff: We are professionals. We had a job to do and we did it. We are not paid to be moral." One important questions not answered by this interview: Who directed Croatian, Bosnian, and Kosovar separatist movements - all of which have the creation of an "ethnically pure" state as one of their core tenets - to hire this obviously capable firm. "Our work is not to verify information...Our work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us." And who, exactly, is the destruction of Yugoslavia favorable to? To quote Noam Chomsky, who provided this analysis years before Yugoslavia was in the news: "The West has a plan for (Eastern Europe) - they want to turn large parts of it into a new, easily exploitable part of the Third World." ================================================= A report from San Francisco: "Today I was part of a group of people that filled the Golden Gate Bridge walkway from end to end as a public demonstration calling on NATO to stop bombing in Yugoslavia. EarIy on, I met up with a group of Quakers from Santa Rosa, CA, led by Russ & Mary Jorgensen and followed them. One was an 85-year-old woman using a metal walker. She walked two-thirds of the way across the bridge until the San Francisco-side met up with the people walking from the Marin County side. And then she walked back to San Francisco! If I hadn't seen her I wouldn't have believed it. People in wheelchairs can rest in the chair, but the bridge has no places to sit at all, so this woman was on her feet pushing the walker for two or three hours... Several television camera crews were out, but I have no idea how many people it takes to fill the bridge from end to end, holding hands. Only time will tell if the print media will cover this..." - Roy Birchard Directory of Dispatches || Sources || Index of Topics || Home Copyright notice: any information on this page may be freely distributed as long as it is accompanied by the URL (web address) of this site which is http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia |