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May 13, 1999 "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible..." - George Orwell The daily reports from http://www.keepfaith.com continue to be exemplary. If nothing else, let as many people as possible know about the daily reports from this courageous 74 year old reporter. It's the best way to keep up with the human reality of what's going on in Yugoslavia. Today, she's pointed to this site: http://www.yuheritage.com an ongoing list of the cultural heritage sites that have been damaged or destroyed by bombing so far. I guess what the Nazis didn't accomplish, NATO is going to finish. The extent of damage to churches, monastaries, and other landmarks has not even been hinted at by the US press. We've archived two of the pages here in case the site goes down: http://www.brasscheck.com/yugo/intermap.htm http://www.brasscheck.com/yugo/list.htm ============================================================= Secretary of State Albright, whose Jewish family was rescued from the Nazis and supported by a Serbian family during World War II, is actively discouraging members of Congress who are attempting to put forward a reasonable peace plan. 11 members of Congress from various parties and viewpoints have come together to endorse the plan that includes an immediate halt to the bombing. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1999-05/13/052l-051399-idx.html "The proliferation of congressional diplomatic forays over the past month has surprised many experts -- International Relations Committee Chairman Benjamin A. Gilman (R-N.Y.) said he could not "recall a situation" like this in recent history -- and raised questions about foreign policy leadership on both Capitol Hill and at the White House." ============================================================= The French writer and activist Regis Debray who was jailed in Bolivia for fighting alongside Che Guevara has just returned from a week long tour of Yugoslavia: "On the "genocide of Kosovars", Debray notably cited Los Angeles Times correspondent Paul Watson as saying that arson, looting and murder erupted in the first three days of the strikes -- March 24 to 26 -- but that "he had found no trace since of a crime against humanity." Debray said he and others believed Serb forces drove Kosovar Albanians out in the first days when KLA snipers went into action in Pristina and that "uncontrolled" forces staged acts of repression "probably with the complicity of local police." http://asia.yahoo.com/headlines/130599/entertainment/926594220-90513111758.enter tainment.html ============================================================= Human Rights Watch has expressed its concern about NATO's tactics in a letter to Secretary General Javier Solana. http://www.hrw.org/press/1999/may/nato0512.htm "Among recent incidents giving rise to these concerns are: the destruction of factories and other property belonging to political supporters of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic; attacks on Yugoslavia's electrical transformers; the destruction of several of Yugoslavia's television and radio stations; several bombings of civilian objects such as the May 7 bombing of the civilian hospital in Nis and the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and the bombing of civilian vehicles because they were mistaken for military vehicles or were crossing bridges or near other installations at the time they were attacked." Directory of Dispatches || Sources || Index of Topics || Home Copyright notice: any information on this page may be freely distributed as long as it is accompanied by the URL (web address) of this site which is http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia |