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May 8, 1999 FACTS: 75% of all dumb bombs in Desert Storm landed off target 93% of all bombs dropped in Desert Storm were conventional ("dumb") Source: US Air Force (after the war was over) The latest NATO massacres: * It's easier to get information about China's *protests* than to get details about the destruction of their embassy in Belgrade by NATO missles yesterday http://asia.yahoo.com/headlines/080599/world/926160480-90508104830.newsworld.htm l * NATO drops cluster bombs on marketplace, hospital http://asia.yahoo.com/headlines/080599/world/926097000-90507171008.newsworld.htm l "I survived World War II, but I haven't seen anything like this," Mrs. Smilja Djuric, 73 * An incomplete list of NATO bombs and missles that have killed civilians (refered to by the military-industrial-media complex as "blunders.") http://asia.yahoo.com/headlines/080599/world/926160000-90508104023.newsworld.htm l All about cluster bombs * http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/dumb/cbu-87.htm "The bomblet case is made of scored steel designed to break into approximately 300 preformed ingrain fragments (heavy shrapnel) for defeating light armor and personnel. 202 of these bomblets are loaded in each dispenser enabling a single payload attack against a variety and wide area coverage." 202 "bomblets" times 300 fragments = 60,600 shrapnel fragments per payload. Many bomblets sit in the ground unexploded detonating later when disturbed. During Desert Storm (alone) the US Air Force dropped 10,035 CBU-87s, a vartiey of cluster bomb Cost per "bomblet" = $13,941 Cost of one payload = $2,816,082 Manufacturer: Aerojet General / Honeywell * NATO is using clusterbombs at this point because they're close to exhausting other munitions options. Wars are often about little more than liquidating inventory so that arms merchants can have a new selling season. You'll never guess where the US military stashed billions of dollars worth of equipment and arms intended for but never used in the Pacific Theater right after World War II: South Korea and South Vietnam. Foresight? Coincidence? "Luck"? A review: April 13, 1999 - On the accuracy of bombing "After the war was over, the Air Force announced that laser- and radar- guided bombs made up just 7% of all U.S. explosives dropped on Kuwait and Iraq. The other 93% were conventional "dumb" bombs, dropped primarily by high flying B-52s from the Vietnam era. Ten percent of those "smart" bombs missed their targets, the Air Force said, while ***75% of the dumb bombs were off target***. In all, about 62,000 tons - or 70% - missed their targets." Source: John McArthur, "Second Front: Censorship and Proganda in the Gulf War" p. 161 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0520083989/emediaA All told, one hundred and twenty MILLION pounds of high explosives "missed" their intended targets during Desert Storm. These are the Air Force's own figures. How can they be surprised by civilian casualties? Recall that not long ago, these "blunders" were written off as "Serb propaganda." Directory of Dispatches || Sources || Index of Topics || Home Copyright notice: any information on this page may be freely distributed as long as it is accompanied by the URL (web address) of this site which is http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia |