Who the heck are these people?
Blinken, Miller, and other Sociopaths
Brasscheck’s “Genocide in Gaza” Order here
Why are these Israelis dancing? (cutting room floor)
In the process of making the series “Why are these Israelis dancing?” we found a ton of stuff, not all of which fit into the film.
In filmmaking, this is called the “cutting room floor.”
Here’s some stuff too good not to share.
You know those sociopaths who stand before the US press every day and justify the daily wanton slaughter of civilians in Gaza?
Who the heck are they? And where did they come from? And who’s paying their bills?
The not too-surprising answer, but the devil is in the details and it’s quite interesting.

Brasscheck Books:
Amazon #1
Human Rights Law
Amazon #1
Law Ethics &