Who controls the world’s food supply?

Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie

Monsanto (now Bayer)

Monsanto – now part of Bayer – and its total dominance over the world’s industrial food supply.

Good reason to grow a garden – or at least shop at local farmer markets!

This video was produced by a group called Business Casual.

Books about Monsanto with samples you can read for free:

“We’re Monsanto: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie” by Brett Wilcox: https://amzn.com/1511742690

“The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World’s Food Supply” by Marie-Monique Robin: http://a.co/8JJxVFp

“Monsanto vs. the World: The Monsanto Protection Act, GMOs and Our Genetically Modified Future” by Jason Louv: http://a.co/8MsWn9U

“Food, Inc.: Mendel to Monsanto–The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest” by Peter Pringle: http://a.co/bhotCXG

“Deconstructing Monsanto” by Chris Kanthan: http://a.co/5ykNj3m

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