White coats…Black budgets!
Heroin, Aids, and Money Laundering… Oh my!
Work by Eric DeCarbonel of Market Skeptics
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For years, we’ve been reporting about Iran Contra, BCCI, CIA drug dealing, money laundering, media manipulation, and government black budgets.
Guess what?
Medical frauds are essential gear in this government fraud machine.
This is why the Bush Family loved Fauci and are the ones responsible for putting him in power. (See Brasscheck’s original video Fauci’s First Fraud for details no one else is talking about.)
It’s also why a con artist who just happened to be Governor of Arkansas, the gateway to CIA/Contra cocaine, was made president. And why Peter Buttigieg, who worked on “monitoring” the heroin trade in Afghanistan, was made into a presidential candidate.
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