Vaccines and Autism
The science and the politics
Mercury in vaccines causes autism
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Children of the current generation receive 24 mandatory vaccinations. A generation ago, only 10 or less were called for.
Through vaccinations, children receive 400x the amount of mercury deemed safe by the FDA.
The Hep B routinely given to newborns contains so much mercury preservative that it would normally only be considered safe under standard medical guidelines to give to a 275 pound adult.
Why is this going on?
Politics and corruption.
In the White House, in Congress, in the FDA, in the medical establishment and in the pharmaceutical industry.
Simple guidelines:
It is NOT the law that you must vaccinate your children (no matter what the doctor or schools tell you), and you can sign a form to make your child exempt.
The law states that schools must accept your children under 1 of 3 possible exemptions, depending on your state:
1. Religious – Vaccines are against your religion, no matter what religion your practice. You do not need to list a religion.
2. Philosophical – You don’t believe in vaccines, you don’t think they’re safe, you don’t think they’ve been tested enough, etc.
3. Medical – Your child has an autoimmune disease or had a negative reaction to a vaccine in the past.
Under such conditions it is dangerous to vaccinate a child and it states in the vaccine insert not to vaccinate under these circumstances, but doctors and nurses are NOT taught this so you must be firm!
Vaccinations are a school policy, NOT the LAW. If you choose not to vaccinate, the law is on your side.