Training cops to kill
“Don’t be afraid of being sued…shoot”
The “wisdom” of Lt. Col. David Grossman
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There is a fundamental difference between the military and police work.
The bottom line job of the military is to kill people – that’s just a fact.
Police officers are supposed to keep the peace.
So why is a “shoot first and ask questions later” former Ranger a top police trainer in the US today?
And what is the connection between between “trainers” like Lt. Col. David Grossman (200+ talks per year) and the epidemic of unjustified lethal attacks by US cops on civilians – a phenomenon that is occurring in no other country.
Quotes from Grossman’s seminars for police:
“We are at war – and you are the front line troops in this war.”
“There’s only one way out…Don’t be afraid of being sued…shoot.”
“You will be vindicated.”
See the movie: “Do Not Resist.”
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