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Time for insulation

The very real hazards of spray insulation

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The winter is coming and some people’s thoughts are turning to spray foam insulation…

It’s 100% safe, right?

Not quite.

And good luck getting straight talk from Dow Chemical or local contractors.

If it’s applied incorrectly, your home can be rendered uninhabitable.

Think about this:

1. The contractors are supposed to wear protective gear when they apply it
2. They are supposed to ventilate the area being sprayed
3. The home owners are supposed to be out of the home during the spraying and for at least 24 hours afterwards
4. The foam is manufactured onsite by combining two different chemicals during the spraying.

Does this sound 100% non-toxic to you?

If you really dig, you’ll find this about the two chemicals used:

Component A

Excessive exposure may cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and lungs, including pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Effects may be delayed. Decreased lung function has been associated with overexposure to isocyanates. Excessive exposure may increase sensitivity to epinephrine and increase myocardial irritability (irregular heartbeats). May cause central nervous systems effects. Symptoms of excessive exposure may be anesthetic or narcotic effects; dizziness and drowsiness may be observed.

Component B

May cause respiratory irritation and central nervous system depression. Excessive exposure may increase sensitivity to epinephrine and increase myocardial irritability (irregular heartbeats). Symptoms of excessive exposure may be anesthetic or narcotic effects; dizziness and drowsiness may be observed.

Here’s the million dollar question: What is “excessive exposure”?

For a chemically sensitive person (or a person unknowingly on the verge of becoming chemically sensitive) small amounts that might not cause a problem to a person without problem could be a health destroying experience.

If you use a contractor who is not licensed and not insured and does not tell you these things, god help you.

Where will you find information about this?

On CANADIAN TV (just one time) and on this and a few other web sites.

Otherwise, no one else will tell you about the risks of this product.

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