The Transgender Medical Attack Dogs
Organized and funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry
Creating a new market for a lifetime of hormone replacement drugs
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It’s a BIG business and the operatives work from the shadows, but whenever you see this kind of massive, organized, and rapid response, you know it’s paid for.
History: When adult women learned that synthetic hormone replacement therapy was giving them cancer, a multi-billion dollar market disappeared for Big Pharma.
The Chicago-based Pritzker family, which has a big stake in this industry, put their boy Barack Obama in the White House to help re-create it (among other things). That – and many, many millions of dollars of PR – is how we got where we are now, a very, very sick place.
More videos on this topic. More about the Transgender Medical Mafia.
Note: We’ve been on this story since 2019. Compare that with all the people who are only coming to it this year, now that it’s a “safe” topic.
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