The Scramble For Africa

Program length – 09:49

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Globalists Pull Plug on Kony 2012 with Spectacular Crash & Burn

Tony Cartalucci

Over the past week, as Invisible Children and their corporate sponsors performed desperate damage control, ties between the alleged “charity” and the US State Department, Wall Street speculator George Soros and his Open Society Institute, and a myriad of corporate-funded foundations began surfacing and spreading just as quickly as their documentary Kony 2012 rose to fame.

Perhaps most importantly, the term AFRICOM began gaining wider notoriety as did the mission of AFRICOM – the neo-colonial plundering of all of Africa. And as this single backfiring propaganda stunt threatened to unhinge a continent-spanning corporate-military industrial campaign, the plug was abruptly pulled with news of Invisible Children’s director Jason Russell being arrested for lewd behavior in public.

The growing legions of critics and skeptics arrayed against this latest Wall Street-London psychological operation will undoubtedly seize this irresistible bait laid out, either by chance or by design, to focus on finishing off the already mortally wounded “Invisible Children” organization. It is already turning out to be a spectacular crash and burn.

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