The next president is…

Rockefeller & Co.

The Oil Empire

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Is it too simplistic to say that the Rockefeller family and their allies control the United States?


On the other hand, who controls this White House?

* Who ran the country during the hours of 9/11 while the so-called President flew aimlessly from one site to another?

* Who met in secret with the nation’s oil companies and parceled out oil holdings in Iraq at the very beginning of the President’s first term?

* Who coordinated the lie campaign and pressured the CIA to endorse fabricated evidence in order to take the country to war?

Dick Cheney, of course.

And he is obviously untouchable in the courts, in Congress, and by the news media.


Who stands behind him?

While Cheney sneers and snarls at the public, there is one person before whom he grovels and one person whose pat on the head he seeks.

Could this video make it any plainer who the real power is in the White House?

At the end of this video, David Rockefeller sums up the situation perfectly:

“We are able to go about our business here in the Americans and throughout the world with confidence and security because we know the strength of this government stands behind us.”

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