The mysterious death of a maverick doctor
Jeff Bradstreet MD (1954-2015)
His specialty: Curing the incurable
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Interview: Jeff Bradstreet’s brother and sister-in-law, Candice Lee-Bradstreet.
You know his death was suspicious – beyond the plain details of it – for two reasons:
1. The local cops immediately declared it as suicide without any investigation.
“The Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office wasted no time in ruling the death a suicide.”
2. The Washington Post wrote a multi-thousand-word “obituary” of him, slandering him six ways from Sunday.
He had everything to live for.
A family he loved, a strong faith, and work he believed deeply in and was succeeding in massively.
Then this pioneering doctor shot himself…in the chest…with a handgun…while standing in a river…fully clothed…and after beating himself on his arms and abdomen.
The talk he gave one month before he was “suicided”:
How close we are to a cure for autism
More about this case
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