The history of the 1960s in video and images
Three videos and Three photos
Putting two and two together
Starting in the early 1950s, the Army did extensive testing on LSD.
Then this happened…the massive, broad-based anti-war movement. What it looked like in 1965
Then in 1966, ex-Army officer Stewart Brand whose last assignment was working at the Pentagon was given a free pass to distribute thousands of doses of LSD in San Francisco over a three-day period.
This event, The Trips Festival, marked the launch of a flood of hallucinogenic drugs into the Bay Area, which Anti-War leaders say shattered what had been a broad-based movement to end the Vietnam War.
How the anti-war movement was represented by the news media
What the anti-war movement looked like
It is my thesis that just as people who launched the war on humanity – also known as the CoVid Con – presented the opposition as “Trump supporters,” the war on Vietnam – and America – carried out by spooks in the service of the Military-Industrial Complex presented the opposition as dirty, long-haired, drug-taking, America-hating hippies.
This inaccurate and dishonest portrayal did not happen by accident.
The narrative was carefully crafted and then relentlessly promoted by the captive US news media (which was as thoroughly corrupt then as it is now.)
The mass marketing of LSD in the Bay Area – supported by then powerful news magazines like Time and Life – through the agency of an “ex”-Pentagon officer and prep school son of an ad agency owner was hugely important – and unrecognized – part of the campaign.