Surveillance, Propaganda and Dirty Tricks Department
From Peter Duseberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”
From Peter Duseberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”
It’s about EIS, the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service.
Like the CIA, it’s a secretive group and operated by career bureaucrats to advance their own personal agendas.
It’s the CDC’s Surveillance, Propaganda and Dirty Tricks Department and it’s previously caused untold injury and caused the waste of many billions of dollars.
The program is used to stack public health departments and news media outlets with “true believers, useful idiots and crooks ” ready to assist whatever new scam the CDC et. al. cook up next.
The CoVid Con is their “greatest hit.”
A 2015 video pitching the program to applicants
Click here for more about the CoVid Con
Click here for more about Fauci’s original fraud
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