The Assassination of Martin Luther King
Another CIA-LBJ-Hoover production
He opposed the war…
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The lone nut theory…
When you want to kill someone and you don’t want to show your hand: find, fund, and manipulate yourself a “lone nut.”
That’s what the Mafia does and it seems to work equally as well for their senior partners in the US government.
Even though no one believes the story – except a handful of paid writers and news anchors (and even they don’t believe it) – it’s a good one to put in the history books for the kids.
All you need to do is track the movements of James Earl Ray to know he was not “lone.” There was an army of agents behind him paving the way before, during and especially after the assassination of Martin Luther King.
And here’s why they killed him:
Click here for: The Brasscheck catalog of high profile American deaths portrayed as “suicides”, “accidents”, or assassination by “lone nut”