File your report here. No observation is too small.
Appeal to the citizens of San Francisco
If you are one of the people who observed irregularities on election day in San Francisco (June 3, 1997) or have any knowledge of organized efforts to commit voter fraud or otherwise disrupt the election process, please contact us.
If you desire, we will keep your identity strictly confidential. We will forward your report to investigators who are gathering evidence in this case. Our position is that low-level city workers should be granted full immunity for their testimony as should individuals who were compensated to vote multiple times.
Did you witness any of the following:
1. Intimidation of voters
2. Suspicious handling of ballots by poll workers
3. Electioneering inside polling areas
4. Failure by poll workers to supervise and secure the ballot boxes
5. Encouragement of “Yes” voters to vote twice by using provisional ballots (one man has been arrested for this already)
6. Invasion of voter privacy (poll workers looking at how you voted)
7. Individuals signing the voter book multiple times
8. City property, funds and personnel used to campaign for proposition
9. Polling places changed without notice or proper signage or closed early
10. Your name not appearing in the voter record, your name signed in the voter book by someone else, or a signature in the voter book by someone you know not to have voted
11. Failure to receive a sample ballot and election information booklet in the mail in advance of the election
12. Poll workers or others in or around the polling place relaying voting data via telephone or walkie-talkie
Action steps:
1. Inform your friends that the 49er stadium election results are suspicious and merit investigation
2. Call and write the editors of the Chronicle and Examiner and tell them to fulfill their responsibility by giving this important story the coverage it deserves.
Learn more about election fraud, a national problem