The Cast of Characters
Note: With the exception of the two articles designated as “new,” all of the material on this page was posted in early June 1997. The excerpts from Dan Moldea’s book on organized crime and NFL team owners were posted on October 31, 1997. News of the potential severity of Edward DeBartolo Jr.’s impending legal troubles relating to his relationship with Edwin Edwards made it to the front pages of the Chronicle and the Examiner on December 2, 1997.
Edward Debartolo, Jr.
- Willie Brown, Jr.
- The Local Media
Related links:
Stadium Vote Fraud Home Page
Over 150 pages of information
The gambling connection
Edward Debartolo, Jr.
M&R: What’s the deal about you being subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury investigating former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards for corruption?
DeBartolo: There’s nothing there. . . . This guy has been a friend of the family for 30 years . . .
The DeBartolo Family and Organized Crime – excerpts from the book “Interference” by Dan Moldea.
Surprising and uncharacteristic frankness from a relatively local paper, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Inside the Debartolo Family
Sexual assault and multimillion-dollar fraud: Debartolo family values
If you can’t beat ’em, then beat them
Debartolo charged with assault – again.
Louisiana’s Edwin Edwards, a friend of the Debartolo family for 30 years, is one of only nine governors to be indicted while in office in this century.
New Standard – New Orleans
Sun Herald– New Orleans
More about Louisiana gambling-organized crime-political corruption scene Edward Debartolo is a part of.
Straight from the horse’s mouth
Debartolo reveals himself in a rare interview.
Willie Brown, Jr.
`This is an entertainment town! You come here to ruin your life on your credit card, and we need a team (and mall) to help people do that.”
Brown’s documented involvement in election fraud schemes and official corruption dates back to the 1950s – excerpts from “Willie Brown – A Biography” by James Richardson.
Brown and Critical Mass
Brown has received more tobacco contributions than any other politician in U.S. history. . . In 1987, according to documents and interviews, Brown was co-author of a bill that made it impossible for Californians who suffer from smoking-related illnesses to sue tobacco firms for damages.
Who ran the City while Brown worked for DeBartolo?
From the City Charter: Sec. 3.100 “The Mayor… shall serve full time in that capacity. The Mayor shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the duties of the office, and shall not devote time or attention to any other occupation or business activity.”
From Kandace Bender, Brown’s press secretary: “He’s on this (stadium campaign) every day, all day, on some level. Everywhere he goes he talks about the stadium. Today he had a class of fifth-graders in his office to talk about city government, and he gave them a pitch for the stadium. He told ’em, `I know you can’t vote, but get your parents to vote.’ ”
The “whitening” of San Francisco
“Hayes Valley tenants were lured into approving redevelopment plans and leaving their homes with promises of jobs and a chance to move back in when new units were built. But the jobs — in demolition and construction — never materialized., The finished project site will have at most 117 public housing units to replace the 294 units that were on the site. In short their “temporary relocation” turned into permanent displacement.”
Peter Byrne of the San Francisco Investigator reports on how Willie Brown works with HUD to destroy San Francisco’s stock of low and moderate-income housing.
A conservative Republican’s view of Mr. Brown.
A San Francisco progressive’s view.
The Local Media
An account of the unacceptably poor press coverage of the Stadium campaign, vote, and election fraud investigation.
The San Francisco Investigator covers the ongoing corruption of City Hall. It’s worse than you think.
Action steps:
1. Inform your friends that the 49er stadium election results are suspicious and merit investigation
2. Write the editors of the Chronicle and Examiner and tell them to fulfill their responsibility by giving this important story the coverage it deserves.
Stadium Vote Fraud Home Page
Over 150 pages of information