Witness to a Century – Table of Contents
Introduction:So Many Interesting People
Part I
The Muckraking Era
1. First Encounter With the Press
2. Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Mellon
3. “The Divine Sarah,” “Red Emma,” and Others
Part II
Four Strange Interludes
4. Harvard: Professor Copeland, Jack Reed
5. Greenwich Village in 1916
6. Wartime London: A Traitor, a Hero
7. Paris: Editor, ChiTrib Army Edition
Part III
The War to End All Wars
8. Great Correspondents
9. Rickenbacker, Guthrie, MacArthur, Pershing, Patton, Woollcott
10. Armistice Day, 1918
11. Hindenburg Confesses: U.S. Won the War
12. Peace Journey With Woodrow Wilson
13. Foch Originates the Cold War
Part IV
Tribune Decade: Berlin to Baghdad
14. Colonel McCormick, Captain Patterson
15. Lady Astor, Irish Rebels, D’Annunzio
16. Berlin: The Men Who Lost the War
17. Einstein, Freud, Isadora Duncan
18. The Adlon: A World in Itself
19. The Greatest Inflation in History
Part V
Trotsky, Lenin, Lenin’s America
20. How the United States Saved Russia
21. The Lenin Interview
22. Lenin Speaks of His American Mentors
23. Inside the Dread Chekah
Part VI
Rome, Mussolini, and Fascism
24. Vincent Sheean in Trouble
25. Mussolini: “My Dear Colleague”
26. Cianfarra, Sturzo, Pirandello
27. Dr. Alfred Adler on Mussolini
Part VII
Damascus and Mexico via Chicago
28. Sarrail: A Tragic General
29. The Suppressed Mexico Series
30. Katherine Medill McCormick
France: Artists and Writers
31. The One-Man Lost Generation
32. Adventures in the Latin Quarter
33. The French Riviera
34. Angelica Balabanoff
Part IX
Return to the U.S.A.
35. Paris: Marriage; Honeymoon in Spain
36. Encounters With Theodore Dreiser
37. Sinclair Lewis in Vermont
38. Woodward, Boyd, H.G. Wells Again
Part X
The Spanish War – and After
39. “Spain Broke the Heart of the World”
40. Hemingway: Man and Myth
41. A Hero, a Villain, and an SOB
42. Esquire’s Mr. Smart – Wasn’t
43. Ken’s Engraved Letterheads
44. You May Owe Your Life to Mr. Ickes
Part XI
The In fact Decade
45. Now It Can Be Told
46. How We Defeated Martin Dies
47. Face to Face With Joe McCarthy
48. The Third SOB: Reader’s Choice
49. Friend or Enemy? J. Edgar Hoover
50. Secret Friends: Polk, Hollenbeck, Others
51. Public Friends: Truman, Eleanor Roosevelt
Part XII
Through the Iron Curtain
52. Guglielmo Emmanuel vs. Mussolini
53. A Man Named Sermonetti? Carlos? Vidali?
54. My Last Hero: Marshal Tito
55. Rakosi: Dictator(?) of Hungary
56. Journalists and Cardinal Mindszenty
In Our Time
57. Tito Interviews Us
58. Comrade Pavlov Owes Me $5,000
59. Perico Chicote and Ernesto Emenwhey
60. Women’s Lib: Chicote Style
61. La Pasionaria – The New Spain
Part XIV
And in Conclusion…
62. Citizen Nader
63. I Was There