The George Seldes Internet Archive
George Seldes 1890-1995
Honoring the spirit of
independent journalism
If you agree that it’s about time that the writings of one of the 20th century’s most important journalists and media critics were widely available to the public, write us and we’ll tell you how you can help.
Volunteers needed:
- Transcribers – people who can put issues of “In fact” and other Seldes writings into electronic form
- Web researchers – people who can search the dreck generated by the search engines for the occasional Seldes-related gem
- Ideas, suggestions, links, comments
- Cash – it never hurts and if you have some you need to get rid of, we’ll find a good home for it!
For more information:
- Other George Seldes pages
- Links to related sites
- Tell the Truth and Run
An Academy Award-nominated film by Rick Goldsmith
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