Provoking Iran into war

Sy Hersh report

Stumbling towards disaster – again

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Bush requested – and received – $400,000,000 to conduct covert military operations against Iran, according to a recent article by Sy Hersch in the New Yorker.

“Operations outside the knowledge and control of commanders have eroded the coherence of military strategy,” commented one general.

Furthermore, it appears that the only supporters within the government or military for an attack on Iran are Bush and Cheney:

“A Democratic senator disclosed that, in a confidential lunch meeting late last year, Secretary of Defense Gates addressed the Democratic caucus in the Senate (regularly held meetings). Gates cautioned about the repercussions of a preemptive strike on Iran, stating, as recalled by the senator, ‘We’ll create generations of jihadists, and our grandchildren will be battling our enemies here in America.’ The senator mentioned that when asked if Gates was speaking on behalf of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, Gates responded, ‘Let’s just say that I’m here speaking for myself.’ (A Gates spokesperson confirmed the discussion of strike consequences at the meeting but declined to comment further on the senator’s interpretation.)”

According to a source familiar with the Finding, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by Admiral Mike Mullen, strongly resisted White House pressure to launch a military strike against Iran. Similarly, a Pentagon consultant involved in the war on terror indicated that “at least ten senior flag and general officers, including combatant commanders,” have expressed their views on the matter.

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