Oil companies, global corruption and Facebook
“A privatized colonizing operation”
Mark Zuckerberg, Robert Mercer and other assorted scumbags
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Brasscheck is the FIRST media outlet in any format to do a thorough analysis of the recent Christopher Wylie hearing.
Who is Christopher Wylie?
The whistleblower who is revealing how Facebook data is used to corrupt and loot Third World companies.
Brasscheck is the first and so far ONLY place where you’re going to find the 3+ hour hearing cut into short “greatest hits” clips.
Facebook use of intimidation to try to silence whistleblowers
The whole system was was a coordinated effort with
a fake “cut out” company being used for cover
How Robert Mercer used Cambridge Analytica to launder millions
of dollars in “black” campaign contributions
Presentation to a Russian oil company client on how to undermine
civil society in Nigeria – and the US
“Nothing good has come from Cambridge Analytica
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