Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says President Obama’s documents are not authentic
Program length – 5:08
Sheriff Joe Arpaio exposes forgery of Obama’s Selective Service registration
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In less than an hour, Arpaio’s team laid out a compelling case that individuals working under the President of the United States have engaged in criminal forgery. And most interestingly, the case isn’t just about Obama’s birth certificate.
The case against Obama was made with simple, clear videos describing the techniques the forgers used to falsifying important documents released by Obama’s team. It was obvious that the law enforcement professionals doing the actual investigation are real pros. If you want the details of the techniques used you can watch the videos on
The investigation by document forensic experts systematically showed how the document could not be real and is part of a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud.
But we found the most interesting information presented to have nothing to do with the Obama nativity story. Instead it had to do with the selective service records. Forensic document analysis proved this document was also a forgery. Intensive documentation proving that Postal indicia on the form was forged was particularly damaging, as this type of postal fraud is a federal felony.
In the days ahead, it will be interesting to see if the mainstream media provides any coverage of the event’s allegations. Sitting in the room we were overwhelmed by the professionalism of these sworn officers of the law. They clearly used the best experts in their investigation. Finally a legitimate law enforcement official has looked at the evidence and found, as Arpaio said, “probable cause that a felony has been committed.”
Going forward, Arpaio said that he would continue to investigate. Allusions were made to the existence of over 200 sworn depositions by witnesses in the case, including a witness that, when he met Barack Obama was introduced to him, as a foreign exchange student.
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