Kidnapping, sex crimes, bribery
Friends of Bill Clinton
Criminals in high places
A sociopathic system of power and greed now engulfs the world in the form of modern day slavery. With immoral, wealthy and powerful men engaged in crimes ranging from sex trafficking to wage theft and with corporations turning a blind eye to the use of slave labor it is no wonder that Jeffrey Epstein is above the law and that no procurers of the women victims (over 24) has been brought to trial.
As this video will explain, sexual trafficking of minors is only one form of modern day slavery. However, the odious practice exists in all forms in the world. It is in the pricing of all modern day services and products. It is in the cost of the food you eat, the clothes you buy, your laptops, your cell phones, the shoes you purchase and sex trafficking.
Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex abuser, is a billionaire democratic mega-donor with a lot of celebrity friends who police found was using his private island to engage girls as young as 12 for sexual services to wealthy and powerful men. Many were pedophiles within the highest level of US and British government.
But if Jeffrey Epstein was a human trafficker, running girls to wealthy and powerful men, then why did Florida state and federal prosecutors only charge Epstein with one count of soliciting a minor when he clearly violated sex trafficking acts? And why and how did he become the beneficiary of a sweet, secret and controversial court sealed wrist slapping plea deal that got him a paltry 15 months in a Palm Beach Halfway house instead of the
mandatory 20 years in prison?
Could it be Epstein’s ties with former President, Bill Clinton? According to FAA logs, Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane 10 times to party at the pedophile’s island.
Clinton was a close friend of the billionaire pedophile and Epstein donated $3.5 million to the Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign. He is also said to have donated $50 million to Hillary Clinton’s Senatorial campaign in 2006.
A lawsuit, filed by a respected former judge and Fort Lauderdale lawyer to overturn a secret plea deal between Epstein and the State of Florida could rope in Bill Clinton and compel the former president to testify under oath about what he was doing on the pedophile’s sex-slave island.