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Book Cover - JFK and RFK's Battle Against Zionist Extremism

JFK and RFK's secret Battle against zionist extremism

The Documentary Evidence

 On December 2, 1948, Albert Einstein along with other prominent Jewish leaders including Hannah Arendt authored a letter of warning which appeared in the New York Times.

The letter described what the signatories said was “among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times”, the rise of extremist political groups in Israel which they described as “terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist.” The letter specifically pointed out one of their leaders Menachem Begin and detailed the massacre of 240 Palestinian civilians in the village of Deir Yassin which it said “most of the Jewish community was horrified (by)”.

Einstein’s letter of warning has been largely ignored by history. Also ignored is the reality that one U.S. President and his Attorney General were aware of the risks extremism in Israel posed to both peace and stability in the Middle East and the integrity of the political system of the United States and in the summer of 1963 were taking forceful steps to confront these forces.

Included in the book:
– Original text from over 38 historical documents
– A chronology of events before, during, and after the Kennedy administration
– Groundbreaking essays: “The Mysteries of Sirhan Sirhan…Solved” by Ken McCarthy; and “From Dallas to Gaza: the JFK Assassination was Good for Zionist Israel” by Rick Sterling

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“From Dallas to Gaza: The JFK Assassination was Good for Zionist Israel”

Daniel P. Brown, eminent psychologist and Harvard medical school professor
with over 100 hours of direct study of Sirhan

Ken McCarthy interviews Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
on Zionism and his book “The Empty Wagon”


Book Cover - JFK and RFK's Battle Against Zionist Extremism


The Documentary Evidence

 On December 2, 1948, Albert Einstein along with other prominent Jewish leaders including Hannah Arendt authored a letter of warning which appeared in the New York Times.

The letter described what the signatories said was “among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times”, the rise of extremist political groups in Israel which they described as “terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist.” The letter specifically pointed out one of their leaders Menachem Begin and detailed the massacre of 240 Palestinian civilians in the village of Deir Yassin which it said “most of the Jewish community was horrified (by)”.

Einstein’s letter of warning has been largely ignored by history. Also ignored is the reality that one U.S. President and his Attorney General were aware of the risks extremism in Israel posed to both peace and stability in the Middle East and the integrity of the political system of the United States and in the summer of 1963 were taking forceful steps to confront these forces.

Included in the book:
– Original text from over 38 historical documents
– A chronology of events before, during, and after the Kennedy administration
– Groundbreaking essays: “The Mysteries of Sirhan Sirhan…Solved” by Ken McCarthy; and “From Dallas to Gaza: the JFK Assassination was Good for Zionist Israel” by Rick Sterling

How to order the book