Humor: Comments from the former President
Make sure you read my comments below
Not everything is as it seems
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People are putting too much hope in Trump.
This video brings some sobriety to their analysis.
That said, it’s my overwhelming impression that the Pennsylvania event was staged.
Even though there are some reasons to believe that he was hit by something other than a bullet that doesn’t mean he was in on it. Our previous video on this subject explains why.
In short, there are three possible scenarios:
1. It happened just as the news media spokespeople for the deep state said it happened
2. There was a second shooter (and perhaps more) and the kid on the roof was set up to be a patsy.
3. The whole thing was staged as a diversion so that Trump could be shot by another kind of weapon entirely and:
a) that attempt failed
b) it succeeded and did exactly what it was intended to do
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