Holocaust survivor condemns Israel’s aggression
Interview with Marione Ingram
Brasscheck’s “Genocide in Gaza” Order here
The news media would have you believe that every Jew believes “Israel can do no wrong.”
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Imagine a Jewish girl born in Germany in 1935, whose family was killed by the Gestapo at age 6, who survived the holocaust and the most severe fire-bombing of WWII – what would she have to say about Israel’s current genocidal campaign of destruction against the innocent civilians of Gaza?
Well, you don’t have to imagine.
That little girl’s name is Marione Ingram – she’s currently 88 years old, and protests for peace outside of the White House nearly every single day.
I had the good fortune of interviewing her recently about the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
First-hand historical perspective you won’t find anywhere else.