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Confusion, Irregularities Surround GOP Caucus
LAS VEGAS — There are caucus ballots in question in Clark County, but officials won’t say how many. While Mitt Romney has declared victory in Nevada, the question remains who will come in second and third place.
Two things are in question: Ballots that exceed the number of voters and voters who were turned away.
“I think the situation was run abysmally. I think they failed to put out adequate information, obviously. In 10 minutes, there were a lot of people who did not get the word as to how this was going to run,” said GOP voter Dr. John Alexander.
Dr. Alexander went to Palo Verde High School, only to find the doors locked Saturday morning. He remembers running into more than a dozen people also trying to get in.
Clark County says they had dozens of calls like his, but even more ballots are in question. At the Republican Party’s unofficial headquarters, more than a dozen volunteers are still counting ballots. Officials say the number of ballots exceed the number of people who signed in.
They won’t say much about their plans for the ballots in question, but want to use this as a learning experience moving forward.
“We’ll look at this as an opportunity to further educate — what we need to do to avoid this kind of confusion. It’s going to be there for a while. We’re going to evolve,” said Clark County GOP Communications Director Bobbie Haseley.
Haseley says many volunteers didn’t go home until 4 a.m. today. They returned just hours later in several closed door meetings trying to figure out what went wrong. They plan to be at their headquarters as long as it takes to determine a second and third place winner in the caucus.
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