Ecological holocaust
Every other atrocity will seem trivial by comparison
Incomprehensible destruction
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The term is accurate in this context.
Holocaust = murder on a mass scale.
Future videos will show exactly how appropriate this term is, but in short, not only has BP unleashed an uncontainable disaster of geologic proportions, it’s also spraying tons of a highly toxic substance – coexist – at night, against the “request” of the EPA, not to contain the oil, but to mask the scale and scope of the disaster.
This is not only creating an ecological catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, but it will sicken and kill thousands, possibly millions, of people, contaminate drinking water, and damage crops and agricultural land.
And make no mistake, this catastrophe is a major bonanza for the Oil Industrial Complex.
This includes pharmaceutical companies (more chronically sick people), agri-business (higher crop prices), and makers of genetically modified crops (watch for coexist-resistant seeds.)
This is not to mention all the interlocking oil companies which will: a) pick up BP’s assets when it goes bankrupt (defaulting on its liabilities) and b) be able to pollute on a massive scale without so much as raising an eyebrow.
After all, BP has set the bar on destruction so high that every other atrocity will seem trivial in comparison.
Click here to learn how you can help the families whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by BP
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