DOJ vs. Gibson Guitar Company

Enforcing Foreign Laws on Americans

Feds Raid Gibson Guitar Company

The Lacey Act (16 U.S.C. งง 3371-3378) was signed into law by President William McKinley on May 25, 1900. It was the first federal law protecting wildlife and was originally proposed to counter illegal commercial gaming. It also makes it unlawful to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce any plant in violation of the laws of the United States, a State, an Indian tribe, or any foreign law that protects plants.

Recently, armed federal agents raided the famous Gibson Guitar company. Why? Well, not for violating any U.S. laws, but to enforce FOREIGN laws on the export of certain hardwoods. Did Madagascar or India ask the Department of Justice to help them enforce their laws on the export of Rosewood and Ebony? No. Apparently, neither Madagascar nor India feel that their laws were violated.

So, what exactly is the problem? Was the wood illegally harvested? No. The foreign laws being cited are to do with LABOR. Apparently, the DOJ’s position is that American workers are working on and finishing the fretboards, which violates Madagascar law of exporting unfinished wood products, even though Madagascar seems to feel that ‘blank’ fretboards ARE a finished product.

The DOJ is enforcing its own wild interpretation of foreign laws, at gunpoint, on American companies and workers. Why? To what end?

Where does this go?

Where does it end?

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