Dead people receive ballots
In NH primary
Activists use dead voters’ names at NH primary
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Manchester, NH (CBS) – An activist group obtained ballots for several deceased voters during New Hampshire’s primary elections. The group called Project Veritas captured the possible voting fraud on camera.
Now the New Hampshire Attorney General has initiated an investigation and a review of the state’s voting procedures.
The secretly recorded video shows activists requesting ballots for recently deceased voters. In most cases, they receive the ballot with no questions asked.
In one case, the person asks a poll worker, if there are any other dead people on the voting rolls.
“How would I know if there were dead or not?,” she asked.
The group tried the same stunt again and again and they succeeded at least nine times in using the names of recently deceased voters.
“It shows what can happen,” says Ryk Bullock. He is the election moderator in Bedford and was videotaped by Project Veritas.
When they came to his polling place, they were stopped by his staff’s diligence. Still Bullock says they did point out flaws in the system.
“Am I saying it could never happen here? I’d be a fool. But the likelihood of it is minimal,” he explained.
New Hampshire law doesn’t require any ID to vote, so the poll workers didn’t do anything wrong. However, some say Project Veritas may have broken wiretapping laws related to secret recordings.
New Hampshire Governor John Lynch, who has vetoed bills that would require photo ID, called it, “outrageous that these out-of-staters invaded our polling places and misrepresented themselves in an attempt to push a political agenda.”
Advocates of requiring photo ID to vote say this video gives them new ammunition.
“I think it gives concrete evidence in a really embarrassing way for our state that the fraud that we’ve been describing all along exists,” said Speaker Bill O’Brien (R-Mont Vernon).
No fraudulent ballots were actually cast. The attorney general’s office says they have no complaints of illegal voting in Tuesday’s primary.
WBZ contacted Project Veritas at their Washington D.C. office. They did not return a phone call.
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