“Dark Winter” and other vaccine marketing scams
Explained coherently for the first time
A retirement nest egg for a corrupt admiral
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The Dark Winter (June 2001) script courtesy of John Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense
Ibrahim El-Hibri, born in Lebanon in 1936, was trained as an electrical engineer in Germany and made his fortune building large scale telecommunications infrastructure projects in Saudi Arabia, Russia and Latin America. He died in Paris in 2007.
Son Fuad El-Hibri, was born in Germany in 1958 and has degrees from Stanford and Yale. The family profited from a relationship with Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush until his retirement from active duty in 1989.
Like his father, Fuad was active in the telecommunications industry. In addition, he became the driving force behind the family’s foray into the business of marketing vaccines to governments. His employment with the mergers-and-acquisitions department of Citibank in Saudi Arabia led to the family taking over a British biotech lab, Porton Products Ltd. which provided anthrax and botulinum vaccines to the government of Saudi Arabia at a time when the U.S. government would not supply them to the country. Saudi Arabia wanted them as a counter to Saddam Hussein’s bioweapons program. (1)
Fuad and the El-Hibri’s family’s next project was to acquire an FDA-licensed anthrax vaccine manufacturing plant from the State of Michigan complete with twenty-eight buildings, a quarter of a million square feet of space and fifty-nine acres of land. Purchase price was, $2.25 million and $11 million in loans from the state. High margin sales of anthrax vaccine in a sole source deal to the U.S. government reportedly netted the company as much as $1 billion after products costs. (2) A July 9, 1998 New York Times report by the infamous Judith Miller on the purchase of the plant said the project was led by Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. (3) Crowe was reportedly given 10% of the shares of Intervac LLC, Bioport’s controlling shareholder, but put no money into the deal. (4)
(1) Wall Street Journal, December 21, 2001 – https://www.edwardjayepstein.com/archived/anthrax.htm
(2) https://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2010/10/pdf/unclesucker.pdf
(3) https://www.nytimes.com/1998/07/08/us/company-led-by-top-admiral-buys-michigan-vaccine-lab.html
(1) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/molecules-to-medicine/anthrax-vaccine-to-the-victor-the-spoils/
My guess is son Fuad got the idea of selling anthrax to the Saudis when he was in the country doing M& A work for Citibank. (He ran the show, not the father)
That deal must have put Fuad on Admiral Crowe’s radar screen because the sale was to the Saudi military.
Crowe might have even been the person who let them know the Michigan anthrax plant was for sale in the first place, something Fuad who did no business in the US or with the US government might not otherwise been aware of.
Admiral Crowe was given 10% (some sources say 22%) of the stock in the controlling entity simply for just being the American military figurehead. Otherwise, there would have been no deal.
If the anthrax vaccines profits really were $1 billion (see below) then Crowe made himself $100 million essentially as a finders fee.
The deal – and resulting scam – was enabled by Crowe who acted as the frontman and linked El-Hibri with all the government, military, PR, academic and journalistic resources they needed to pull it off.
The PR campaign
Operatives were needed to grease the PR wheels.
The company created a lobbying entity called “The Partnership for Anthrax Vaccination Education” and one of the clowns in their circus was Jerome Hauer (1)
(1) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/molecules-to-medicine/anthrax-vaccine-to-the-victor-the-spoils/
The PR investment leads to the creating of documents like this one:
More on the PR side of the scam: https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Anthrax_vaccine
Additional Brasscheck references
Orgy of Dystopian Fantasies
Wired: Magazine as a nest of rats – Larry Brilliant, Peter Schwartz, Matt Reynolds
Jerome Hauer: Biowarfare Scare-Meister
Oil, Nazis, Professional Propagandist and the persistence of the Third Reich
Johns Hopkins and selling variant mania
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