Dangerous Detergents
Trading soap suds to neurotoxins and carcinogens
Completely Unregulated
Before World War II, clothing was washed with soap.
Then someone had the bright idea to use cheaper petrochemicals with cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting, neuro-toxic ingredients.
Some of the ingredients in “normal” laundry soap are so toxic that if you put them in a barrel and left on the side of the road you could be arrested for dumping toxic waste.
The new chemicals stick to the clothes – because that’s what they are designed to do. The skin – your skin – which is the largest organ in the body absorbs them and they go straight into your bloodstream.
Add that up 365 days a year and it comes a whole lot of toxins.
Getting a handle on this one “simple” insidious threat is essential for protecting your health and the health of your family.
Stop paying for the privilege of being poisoned.
We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.
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The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading List
We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.
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