How to Get Your Own Copy of the 5th Anniversary Edition
An unofficial publication – 16 BIG pages
Gems like this (excerpt)
How I Found Myself the VICTIM of a Mass Uncivil Obedience Action
I had a feeling the BART strike would wreak havoc but imagine my surprise Monday afternoon, when, as I rode my bike downtown I encountered a huge gathering of motor vehicles blocking the road. Noticing all the stationary vehicles revving angrily in gridlock I felt sure there was going to be a riot. I thought: “Who are these four-wheeled anarchists? Do they have a permit to hold this parade? Where is the police escort?”
“What is this?” (I asked) The driver told me that he and several hundred thousand other motorists in the city got together each day at rush hour to “drive home together” – “although we don’t actually interact with each other, since we’re kind of stuck in our cars,” he added. “Do you have a leaders?” I inquired. “No, it’s just a happening,” he said proudly. “What are you achieving with this demonstration?” I pursued. “I’m not really sure. . .”
– Ted White
Ya want more? Sixteen BIG pages more?
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