How to Stage a “Picture Perfect” Media Op – Introduction
Honoring the spirit of
independent journalism
As the mayor of a major American city, I depend on the news media to get my message across to the people of San Francisco. Advances in technology have made it easier than ever to capture video images and broadcast them into every home in the city, but the age-old problem of which pictures to disseminate remains.
This manual, prepared with the help of a grant from Better News for a Better San Francisco, a nonpartisan consortium of local businesses and foundations, is intended to help us achieve our mutual goal of making San Francisco a twenty-first century information-friendly city.
I am proud of my long-time friend and colleague Dick Holder’s work on this important civic issue. He’s succeeded admirably in rooting out the criminal element in San Francisco and, where criminals cannot be found, creating them with a degree of ingenuity and forcefulness that I’m sure is the envy of leaders everywhere.
Willie L. Brown, Jr.
Mayor of Scam Francisco
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