How to Stage a “Picture Perfect” Media Op – Conclusion
When people ask me “why media ops?” I tell them: “It’s for the kids. A city with uncontrolled cyclists is no place for a child to grow up in. Media ops lets the SFPD participate in the important task of presenting Mayor Brown’s progressive tranportation policy to the public.”
Media ops: Crisis Creation Tactics – 3
- Visual aid #12: Another subject for RVM.
Location: intersection of Broadway and Larkin. - Visual aid #13: Lieutenant Keith C. Sanford assists the subject to his feet by twisting his wrist behind his back.
- Visual aid #14: Mr. Blue was held a bit longer which allowed us the opportunity to give the news media pictures of a cyclist going to jail.
- Visual aid #15: With the cyclists gone, the congestion in the eastbound lane cleared immediately. Traffic in the westbound lane was another story, but the news cameras weren’t interested in that.
Location: Looking west on Broadway - Visual aid #16: In case there were any stragglers, I ordered the motorcycle units to remain in the middle of the intersection blocking Larkin Street. You can’t be too careful!
This report prepared by:
Deputy Chief Dick Holder
Winner – The 1997 Richard J. Daley Award
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