Hallinan Lets Griffin Skate
Now we’ll never know
How many times did John Griffin vote in addition to what he was charged with?
How did he come to choose the policeman’s name under which he voted?
Who, if anyone, instructed John Griffin to carry out this fraud?
As a “Yes” camping precinct captain, did he instruct others under his command to vote fraudulently?
We’ll never know
Thanks to District Attorney Terence Hallinan, ADA Tom Bogott, and Judge Wallace P. Douglas, the citizens of San Francisco will never know.

Tom Bogott and fellow ADA’s gather for pretrial socializing
Tom Bogott heading into the courtroom
Home free – Griffin and his lawyer were all grins in the hallway afterward. Bogott jumped out of the frame when he saw me lining up the shot of the three of them together – and I ran out of the film.
Lest you think, Hallinan is completely idle in investigating and prosecuting corruption in San Francisco, note this recent operation he and his staff are particularly proud of.
His official policy on corruption.
“Bribery of public officials undermines the very foundation of our government as well as public confidence in it,” stated Hallinan. “Hopefully, others will get the message that attempting to corrupt public officials in this town will not be tolerated on my watch.”
***DA Hallinan lets Griffin skate***
The long-awaited trial of the “Yes” precinct captain who was charged with two counts of felony election fraud occurred this morning in SF.
The presiding judge was Wallace A. Douglas.
The attorney representing the people of San Francisco was John Bogott, a senior staff member.
Remember the charges?
“District Attorney Terence Hallinan announced this morning that JOHN GRIFFIN of San Francisco, has been taken into custody, having been charged with two counts of voter fraud, Elections Code, Sections 18560(b) and (c). The charges relate to voting more than once and voting under an assumed name in the June 3, 1997, election, for ballot initiative including the stadium referendum (Propositions D and F).”
Felonies, by the way.
Count one
* Dropped to a misdemeanor
* Plea: No contest
* Penalty: 50 hours community service, 3 years probation
* fines: $2,500, $1,000, $125, and $100 for various causes
Total cost if you are caught voting multiple times in a San Francisco election for the side supported by “official” San Francisco:
$3,725 and some inconvenience
Odds getting caught: remarkably slim
Number of ChronEx journalists who will attend your trial if you are caught even when election fraud is front page news: 0
Count two: Dismissed
What did the people of San Francisco get from “Yes” precinct captain John Griffin in exchange for allowing him to remain out of jail?
This is not how these cases are handled in other jurisdictions.
From March 1996 Voter Handbook “Welcome” statement by Bill Jones, California Secretary of State:
“A recent voter fraud case in Fresno County resulted in a three-year sentence for an individual who cast an absentee ballot for a deceased relative. Although we are extremely interested in increasing voter participation, we will not tolerate any action that would jeopardize the integrity of the ballot box in California.”
At some point, there was a discussion of when Mr. Griffin would appear at his first review to confirm that fines are paid and community service served. The exact quote from Tom Bogott of the DA’s Office to Griffin’s attorney:
“It’s up to you. Whatever your pleasure.”
If you’d like to register your comments about the DA’s handling of this case, call this number and say you are a citizen who would like to make a public comment. Letters are also encouraged.
TEL. (415) 553-1752