Alzheimer’s disease, statin drugs, and the new FDA warning

Program length – 9:06

Alzheimer’s Linked To Statin Drugs FDA Warning!

Health Authorities Want Depression-Causing Drugs Added To Water Supply

Paul Joseph Watson

(excerpt…) despite the fact that statins have also been linked to a greater risk of liver dysfunction, acute kidney failure, cataracts and muscle damage, health authorities have been pushing for the drug to be added to public water supplies as part of a mass medication program that is not only illegal without consent, but also threatens a plethora of unknown consequences.

George Lundberg, MD, the editor of MedPageToday, which is a mouthpiece for the American Medical Association, wrote an op-ed entitled, Should We Put Statins in the Water Supply?

In May 2008, renowned cardiologist Professor Mahendra Varma called for statins to be artificially added to drinking water.

Putting statins in the water supply was also considered during a November 2008 discussion which featured Robert Bonow, M.D., of Northwestern University in Chicago, Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and Anthony De Maria, M.D., of the University of California at San Diego.

Also in November 2008, CNBC aired a segment lauding the effectiveness of statins, after which one of the hosts remarked, “Why don’t they just put statins in the water supply,” to which CNBC’s medical expert replied, “A lot of people have said that and they are in the water in fact.”

The idea of adding drugs to the water supply to biochemically manipulate the thoughts and emotions of populations has gone from the realm of science fiction in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where people were mass medicated with Soma to keep them docile and easy to control, to an imminent reality.

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