A pilot speaks
Scott Walker
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A U.S. airline pilot managed to get a message about what’s going on in the air through intense media censorship.
All the usual news media suspects and legions of useful idiots (i.e. losers) are doing their best to discredit the guy. (Example: “He runs a health supplement business.” Meanwhile Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt of CNN gets his salary from Pharma.)
Reality: Most of the pilots flying major airlines are military trained.
Over 40% of active military members had not received the experimental medical procedure being called a vaccine and had to be compelled to receive them.
There are hundreds of thousands of young veterans – not beholden to military orders – and many of them who are pilots, like Scot Walker, are saying no.
We recommend this grassroots group based in Minnesota both for the excellent information they share and as a model for local organizing: Masks Off Minnesota
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