The real Jeffrey Epstein cover-up

JP Morgan massively and knowingly enabled Epstein’s child abuse network 

You won’t hear any of this in the news, mainstream or alternative

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Florida Judge Luis Delgado is the judge who said “no” to the cover up and ordered the Palm Beach grand jury transcripts available to the public.

Julie Brown did the original reporting.

The Miami Herald filed the lawsuit to get the documents released. dug deep and exposed the ESSENTIAL role that JP Morgan played.

There are heroes in this world.

The dogs of the story:

Bill Clinton-appointed Judge Jed Rakoff who enabled the vast majority of evidence in the New York case against Epstein to be sealed and it still is.

Barry Krischer, Florida State attorney, who was supposed to be prosecuting the case, who let Epstein skate and commit ten more years of crimes.

Lead prosecutor on the case Lanna Belohlavek lied to the judge in the Palm Beach case when asked if all the victims had signed off on the original settlement. They most certainly had not.

All have been richly rewarded for their “service”.

Would you be surprised to learn that Krischer won the Palm Beach Anti-Defamation League’s “Jurisprudence Award” in 2018.

Look it up. You can’t make this stuff up.

The worst scumbags on this planet are very often US judges and prosecutors.


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