3+ years later the truth about “COVID deaths”

New Brasscheck book: What the Nurses Saw

In the early months of 2020, veteran nurses posted videos stating that patients were not dying of COVID.

Instead, they were dying from incompetence, poor care, and in some cases official malfeasance.

We documented some of these cases expecting that surely some organization, including the ones that have collected millions of dollars from the public to serve as resistance to the COVID official response, would pick up this most important story.

in 2020, we waited.
In 2021, we waited.
In 2022, we waited.
In 2023, we waited

Finally we undertook our own effort to comprehensively document WHO who ordered and coerced doctors and nurses into using protocols that routinely injured and killed countless thousands of COVID patients and exactly HOW these patients were killed in ICUs across the US and the world.

It’s the biggest untold and – as of this writing – the most ignored story about COVID.

What the Nurses Saw

You can order the book here


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