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================================================== All brasscheck.com dispatches on the US-led attack on Yugoslavia are available, complete with index, at http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia Please inform your friends, colleagues, and others who you think might care. ================================================== May 25, 1999 Back in the saddle "Jane's Defense Weekly, in a very significant story in the May 10 issue, reports that the current leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army is a Croatian general, Agim Ceku. He was in charge of Operation `Storm,' the bloodiest and most brutal military campaign -until the current NATO bombing--carried out in the Balkans since the invasion of the Nazis during World War II. In August 1995, the Operation `Storm' offensive against the Serbian population in the Krajina region in Croatia that drove hundreds of thousands of Serbs from the region that they have inhabited for centuries. Ceku is a U.S.-trained military officer who is closely tied to the Pentagon's Military Professional Resources, Inc. (MPRI). The MPRI is a semi-official Pentagon contractor, headed by retired U.S. military officers. It specializes in sending mercenary armies under Pentagon contract into unofficial wars. The MPRI was contracted by the Pentagon to organize and train the Croatian Army for its Operation Storm against Serbs in Krajina. This massive ground offensive against hundreds of thousands of civilians was seen as the decisive military event that forced the Milosevic government in Yugoslavia to sign the U.S.-brokered Dayton Accord for Bosnia." Source: Brian Becker, Co-Director, International Action Center "Is the U.S./NATO leadership planning a ground war?" http://www.iacenter.org email: iacenter@iacenter.org MPRI's web site: http://www.mpri.com You can anticipate where America's next major military involvement will be by reading MPRI's "help wanted ads." Hint: Africa. ============================================================== Retired Canadian military officer given platform by the Washington Post to predict a Serb atrocity "Based on the principle that the best defense is a good offense, it would seem that Milosevic's best option would be an attack, perhaps with artillery and missiles, against the crowded refugee camps on the Kosovo borders." - Lewis MacKenzie. Commander of U.N. troops during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian war in 1992. Source: The Washington Post, Sunday, May 23, 1999; Page B01 This odd comment comes from a military man who, like Agim Ceku, spent his time in Yugoslavia directing the shelling of areas inhabited by Serb civilians. His suggestion was slipped into a not terribly insightful or enlightening "critique" of NATO. Summary: a) it's not as well organized as the UN was and b) it suffers from too many opinions to be able to carry out a proper war. But to focus on MacKenzie's statement: If the government of Yugoslavia were of a mind to shell Albanian civilians, why hasn't it done so already? And why, in the middle of a life and death struggle to defend its territory against NATO bombing and KLA terrorism, would it expose itself and commit scarce resources by crossing an international border for the purposes of committing an atrocity in broad daylight. Clearly, this is the fantasy of a professional Serb hater, and this kind of bizarre projection is more appropriate for the cover of a supermarket tabloid than a newspaper with pretensions of accuracy. Yet there is it, in black and white, an "authority" in a "legitimate" paper stating that the Yugoslavian army's best tactic at this point is to stage an "attack, perhaps with artillery and missiles, against the crowded refugee camps on the Kosovo borders." Are the professional Serb-haters telegraphing their next move? Is a staged atrocity involving refugees to be blamed on the Yugoslavian government in order to convert popular opinion in favor of a ground invasion. Interestingly, today NATO announced via an AP report that the policy of using the UN to frighten Albanian refugees into moving away from the border area and deeper into Albania has been dropped. ``These people have seen enough violence in Kosovo. They should be treated with respect,'' NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Helge Eriksen said. NATO's all heart, isn't it? If an "atrocity" like the one in McKenzie's fantasies does in fact occur, it will be timed to take place at more or less the same time NATO is prepared to launch its ground invasion. A press pool will just happen to be conveniently near by and, if the presentation is dramatic enough, it may be used to break into normal TV programming ala OJ Simpson's non-getaway in the Ford Bronco. Christiane Amanpour is not cooling her jets in Albania for nothing. Unduly cynical? Only if you don't know how the current air war got started... =============================================== William Walker and the short memory of the US press "On January 15, 1999, in the Kosovo village of Racak, Yugoslav and Serbian police forces were accused of carrying out a horrible massacre of civilians. William Walker, a U.S. diplomat in charge of the international monitoring force in Kosovo, went to the site with Western reporters and proclaimed that 45 people had been "killed in the massacre." Pictures of 40 bodies laid out in a village Mosque were put on the front page of all the major Western newspapers. Walker called it a "crime against humanity" by the Yugoslav government led by Slobodon Milosevic... William Walker was presented as the consummate neutral peace keeper. Why question his word? In fact, no major U.S. media outlet did question his account. William Walker, however, is not a neutral peace keeper. He is a war criminal and a professional liar. As a special assistant to Lt. Col. Oliver North and Assistant Secretary of State Eliot Abrams, Walker was a key operator in Reagan's White House operation to overthrow the Nicaraguan government in the 1980s. According to charges filed in U.S. district court by independent council Lawrence Walsh, Walker was responsible for setting up a phony humanitarian operation at an airbase in Ilopango, El Salvador. That "humanitarian" air base was used to run guns, ammunitions, and supplies to the fascist Contra mercenaries attacking the Nicaraguan Revolution. Walker was also the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador from 1988 to 1992 when military death squads murdered thousands of progressive workers, peasants, and young people... While the U.S. media accepted Walker's massacre story and used it to create the war hysteria that permitted the current NATO bombing war, many of the European press challenged Walker's and the KLA's account. The French newspapers Le Monde, Le Figario, and Liberation all ran stories pointing out major inconsistencies in the "massacre" report. There was considerable evidence, in fact, that the corpses were not civilians at all, but KLA soldiers who, after having been killed in a battle, had been dressed in civilian garb and placed in the mosque." Source: Brian Becker, Co-Director, International Action Center "Is the U.S./NATO leadership planning a ground war?" http://www.iacenter.org email: iacenter@iacenter.org I've seen the pictures from Racak and other sites that used to be trumpeted as "proof" of genocide. All the victims are military-aged men and their bodies have clearly been moved and positioned for the camera. They were definitely not shot where they lay and there is no way, based on the pictures alone, or Mr. Walker's good word, to know who these people were or the circumstances under which they died. Why haven't American news readers being apprised of these basic realities? The answer is simple: because rather than inform them, the US news media has choosen - as it has in every other manufactured war - to participate in a choreograph of misrepresention designed to draw Americans, whose families provide the sons and whose taxpayers provide the funds, into throwing their emotional support behind a war they would never approve of if they knew the facts. A war that has the potential to destabilize the world, bankrupt US society, and spill oceans of innocent blood before all its reverberations reach their end... Agim Ceku, Lewis MacKenzie, William Walker, and others like them can count on press "discretion" when then need it and a platform when they want it. The results of a study recently conducted by FAIR on press coverage of the NATO bombing bear repeating: "Examining the transcripts of two influential (US) TV programs, ABC's "Nightline" and the PBS "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer," FAIR found that: * Only 8 percent of the 291 sources were critics of NATO's bombing. * Forty-five percent of sources were current or former U.S. government and military officials, NATO representatives or NATO troops. * On "Nightline," the study found, no U.S. sources other than Serbian-Americans were given air time to voice opposition." Source: http://www.fair.org, cited in an article by Norman Solomon. ==================================================================== Analysis of the US-led NATO Assault on Yugoslavia: http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia Subscribe: mailto:yugonews@brasscheck.com Subject: Yugo News "...if only the press were to do its duty, or but a tenth of its duty, this hellish system could not go on." - William Cobbett, Rural Rides, 1830 >>> March on Washington, DC - June 5th. See: http://www.iacenter.org ==================================================================== Directory of Dispatches || Sources || Index of Topics || Home Copyright notice: any information on this page may be freely distributed as long as it is accompanied by the URL (web address) of this site which is http://www.brasscheck.com/yugoslavia |