In Bridges' seamen's union it is a crime to be caught dead or alive with a
Hearst paper in one's possession. As a result you will find Bridges called
a Moscow agent in the Hearst newspapers.
By 1936 there was a Peoples Committee Against Hearst functioning and Oswald
Garrison Villard reported 112 American Federation of Labor unions were
members of the trades-union committee fighting the publisher. The Farmer
Labor Progressive Federation, meeting in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, passed a
resolution to boycott Hearst in which he was called "Labor's Enemy No. 1."
In numerous meetings in Seattle pending the Post-Intelligencer strike Hearst
was known as American Menace No. 1. On May 7, 1936, the officers of the
United Automobile Workers of America placed all Hearst papers on the "unfair
to labor list." Typical of all resolutions was the Detroit one accusing
Hearst papers of having "consistently used every unfair and slanderous
method of undermining the organized labor movement."
The year 1935 marked the height of the Hearst Red-baiting campaign in the
universities. It must be remarked here and now that there is no Red
teaching in the schools and colleges of the United States, but the
institutions of learning of our country still attempt to give their students
a liberal education. It is inconceivable that they should do anything else.
No school can supply an anti-liberal education, or a Fascist education, as
these terms are contradictory. Liberalism and education are one, and all
Hearst did was to call liberal education "Red" education.
To this day the Hearst press is filled with Red-baiting articles and
attacks upon such notable Americans as Prof. Charles A. Beard, Prof. George
S. Counts, of Teachers College; Prof. E.A. Ross, of the University of
Wisconsin; Prof. Frederick L. Schuman, of Chicago. Hearst reporters in
numerous instances have been sent as students to interview professors or to
take courses for the purpose of writing Redbaiting articles. When these
reporters found nothing to write about they falsified. In several cases
they later confessed.
In the case of Professor Schuman he protested misrepresentation in a report
in the Chicago Herald-Examiner and incidentally informed the editor that
some quotations on dictatorship which all the Hearst papers attributed to
Lenin were probably false as there was no trace of them in the collected
works of the Russian leader. Hearst ordered an investigation. Charles
Wheeler was sent. He conceded misquoting the Chicago professor and admitted
the invention of the Lenin quotation. Professor Schuman asked him how such
things could be and quotes Wheeler's reply: "We just do what the Old Man
orders. One week he orders a campaign against rats. The next week he
orders a campaign against dope peddlers. Pretty soon he's going to campaign
against college professors. It's all the bunk but orders are orders."
Charles Wheeler, Hearst reporter, appeared to be a decent fellow. But
shortly afterward Professor Schuman delivered a lecture which Wheeler
covered for the Hearst press. This item is described by Professor Schuman
as containing statements which were purely products of Mr. Wheeler's
"On March 16, 1935," continues the professor, "the Herald-Examiner--with
Hearst papers elsewhere copying--published an editorial, "Schuman of
Chicago," which took out of their context two of Mr. Wheeler's misquotations
and presented them as evidence that I am making a 'direct challenge to
American institutions in the name of Communism.'...the editorial described
me as one of 'these American panderers and trap-baiters for the Moscow
mafia' who should be investigated by Congress and 'gotten rid of' as a 'Red.'
"This is but one of numerous instances of slanderous and libelous attacks
upon American educators in the Hearst press. This strategy is exactly
comparable to that of the Nazi press in Germany between 1920 and 1933. Mr.
Hearst has evidently been taking lessons from Goring, Goebbels, Rosenberg
and Hitler. No individual can defend himself effectively from these
assaults. If American universities and colleges are to be spared the fact
which has befallen such institutions in Germany, if American scholars and
educators are to be protected from Fascist bludgeoning of this type, if
American traditions of freedom are to survive, Mr. Hearst must be recognized
as the propagandist and forerunner of American Hitlerism and must be met
with a united counter-attack by all Americans who still value their liberties."
In 1936 the American Federation of Teachers passed a resolution demanding a
boycott of Hearst as "the outstanding jingoist of the country" and a
"constant enemy of academic freedom," and finally and more important, as the
"chief exponent of Fascism in the United States."
The 1936 political campaign also had something to do with the universal
discredit in which Hearst found himself in November of that year. However,
politics make strange bedfellows, and politicians pass from bed to bed
without public disapproval. There is for example a certain Alfred Emanuel
Smith, a reactionary, a member of the American Liberty League, a
millionaire, a Red-baiter, a discredited liberal. In his youth he was on
the other side of the fence. He was not rich, he was liberal, he was one of
the courageous politicians who denounced the Red-baiting of the Lusk
committee and the expulsion of the five Socialists from the New York state
legislature. And, on the night of October 29, 1929, in Carnegie Hall,
Manhattan, he said of Publisher Hearst:
"I know he has not got a drop of good, clean, pure red blood in his whole
body. And I know the color of his liver and it is whiter, if that could be,
than the driven snow." He continued to denounce the Hearst newspapers for
publishing "deliberate lies," and for "the gravest abuse of the power of the
press in the history of this country." For thirty minutes Governor Smith of
the State of New York denounced the publisher who was such a power in
Tammany Hall, and concluded by asking the people of "this city, this state,
and this get rid of this pestilence that walks in the darkness."
Today Millionaire Smith and Millionaire Hearst have everything in common
and each other's endorsement.
Perhaps another of the little group of leading Democratic politicians of
that era will not emulate Smith the renegade. Franklin Delano Roosevelt who
once had the support of Hearst, was forced in the 1936 campaign to issue a
statement against "a certain notorious newspaper owner" who tried to "make
it appear that the President accepts the support of alien organizations
hostile to the American form of government. These articles are conceived in
malice and born of political spite. They are deliberately framed to give a
false impression--in other words to 'frame' the American people..."
F.D. Roosevelt thus added his damnation of Hearst to that of Woodrow Wilson
and Theodore Roosevelt, among Presidents.
In Congress there were field days when Senator (now Justice) Black was
conducting his lobby investigation into Hearst and Associated Gas affairs.
Black himself did not get very angry but he did point out the incongruity of
Hearst's action in trying to prevent the investigation. "Year after year,"
he said, "this man has sponsored the most ruthless invasion of the privacy
of people's lives, yet now he stands on his 'Constitutional' rights to keep
the Senate from looking at his telegrams. He can own property in Mexico and
try to start a war between that country and the United States--but he can't
be investigated."
Senator Minton,* [*Congressional Record, March 26, 1936] answering Hearst
editorial attacks upon the investigation, accused the publisher of
prostituting the press; he said that to Hearst the words freedom of the
press meant "license to traduce and vilify public officers as swine and
traitors to their country"; and as for the Hearst charge that a subversive
Congress was being led by Roosevelt administration officials into a
dictatorship, Senator Minton assured that "the dictatorship we have to fear
in this country is that of a purse-proud, insolent, arrogant, bull-dozing
newspaper publisher like William Randolph Hearst.
"He is the greatest menace to the freedom of the press that exists in this
country, because instead of using the great chain of newspapers he owns, and
the magazines, and the news-disseminating agencies of the country that he
controls to disseminate the truth to the people, he prostitutes them to the
propaganda that pursues the policy he dictates.
"The question was raised by Mr. Hearst in the name of the Constitution, in
the name of our ancient liberties, in the name of the freedom of the press.
He would not know the Goddess of Liberty if she came down off her pedestal
in New York harbor and bowed to him. He would probably try to get her
telephone number. He would not know the freedom of the press if it sprang
full panoplied from the constitution in front of him."
Spokesman for the administration, and opening gunner of the Roosevelt
defense against the publishers' coalition, was Senator Schwellenbach, who
told the Senate that from 1895 on, the decent editors and publishers in
America had criticized and fought Hearst. But nowadays, "Mr. Hearst and his
stooge, Elisha Hanson, rush behind the Constitution, and use the
Constitution and the freedom of the press to protect them in their right to
reduce wages...
"The securing of news by larceny and bribery was the charges which the
Associated Press made and sustained against William Randolph Hearst, this
man who talks about the sacredness of the press and the sacredness of
telegraph wires. He bribed a telegraph operator and stole the news. And
let it be said to the eternal disgrace of the American newspaper profession
that the Associated Press did not have the courage to remove Mr. Hearst from
membership in that organization."
Resuming his speech a few days later the Senator quoted Elihu Root's
account of a talk with Theodore Roosevelt regarding the assassination of
McKinley, and added: "Can there be a more clear delineation of the fact
that the then President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, directly
charged William Randolph Hearst with the murder by assassination of
President William McKinley?" (Mr. Hearst replied by calling the Senator a
"prize pole cat.")
While he was building his Bavarian castle in California, Hearst three times
cut the pay of his employees, the Senator charged. And in conclusion, he
fired this blast:
"It is a peculiar thing that the leader of the movement in this country
today toward Fascism, the man who when he returned after a visit with Mr.
Hitler in Germany editorially praised Mr. Hitler, the man who more than
anybody else is advocating Fascism in this country--and under Fascism
Senators know what remains of personal liberty or freedom of the press--this
man is the same William Randolph Hearst who today is so ardent in his
protection of the rights of the people under the Constitution."
Protestant church organizations have denounced Hearst. Several noted
leading Catholics, clergy and laymen, have also done so but inasmuch as the
Hearst press has been the most pro-Catholic press in America, that Church
has refrained from criticism. In fact, when Hearst joined Cardinal Hayes in
supporting the Fascists in their campaigns in Spain, which included the
slaughter of women and children in non-military zones, the Catholic press
sang the praises of Hearst louder than ever.
The Ministers' Council for Social Action of New York, which includes
ministers of Methodist, Baptist, Congregational and Jewish churches, joined
in a plan to preach an anti-Hearst sermon the weekend of Sunday, June 28,
1936. Said their official statement: "No single man has exercised so
destructive and immoral an influence in dragging into the gutter those very
ideals for which all religious institutions stand" ... as W.R. Hearst,
Metropolitan Church Life, organ of the Greater New York Federation of
Churches, asking preachers to quit supplying Hearst with editorial page
texts, said, "We can ill afford to believe that the Protestant Christian
Church will make common cause with Hearst." The Christian Century seconded
the motion.
The Artists' and Writers' Union has picketed the New York Daily Mirror.
The League Against Yellow Journalism has been organized in Berkeley,
California, to boycott Hearst. In the motion picture, "Gold Is Where You
Find It," the gold-rush figure of Senator Hearst is introduced. He remarks
jokingly he does not know what to do with his son. "Willie wants to be a
journalist." Instead of a laugh the line got many boos in many cities.
It may indeed be a great satisfaction to William Randolph Hearst to know
that his name was powerful enough to bring 6,000 persons to the Hippodrome,
in New York, where they paid for the privilege of being a mass jury in the
trial of the publisher. The indictment accused Hearst of:
1. Distorting the news in his purposes.
2. Using his press for strike-breaking purposes.
3. Supporting Fascism in American and Europe, and notably Hitler.
4. Using his jingoistic press to foment wars.
5. Being anti-libertarian.
The most serious charge of all was that made by the Governor of Minnesota,
Hjalmar Peterson, who concluded the opening speech of the prosecution with
the following words: "William Randolph Hearst is being judged tonight by
the jury of public opinion. I submit he is guilty in the first degree of
attempting to destroy democracy."
The witnesses who gave their testimony included: Oswald Garrison Villard,
editor of The Nation; Robert K. Speer, Professor of Sociology at New York
University; Charles J. Hendley, president of the American Federation of
Teachers of Greater New York; Rabbi Israel Goldstein, National Conference of
Jews and Christians; the Rev. William Lloyd Imes, St. James Presbyterian
Church; Representative Vito Marcantonio, Osmond K. Fraenkel, constitutional
attorney. Arthur Garfield Hays, counsel for the American Civil Liberties
Union, was prosecuting attorney. Hearst was found guilty of "betraying the
United States" and the court sentenced the audience to boycott the Hearst
newspapers and other enterprises.
If the reader thinks mock trials are somewhat naive and stickers with
"Don't Read Hearst" ineffective, the proof that he is wrong has now been
furnished by a survey made by Fortune magazine and published in its July,
1936, issue. It does not tell us what has caused the American people to
lose all faith in the Hearst propaganda machine, but it proves that those
who are intelligent enough to think about the matter disapprove of Hearst in
about a three to one ratio.
Throughout the country 27.3 percent of the people asked, replied they
considered Hearst influence bad for America, 10.7 percent thought it was
good, but what is more interesting, the figures against Hearst were bigger
in the cities where he has newspapers. Forty-three and three-tenths percent
said Hearst influence was bad, 10.5 percent thought it good, and 46.2
percent didn't know anything about it.
Still more significant is the fact that the survey was made during the 1936
Presidential campaign when almost the entire press was for Landon and where
Hearst had joined in the popular journalist yapping.
The Fortune survey also proves that after forty-five years of instructing
the American people to follow his principles and candidates the American
people are overwhelmingly against Hearst. There is perhaps no happier sign
in either the journalistic or political heavens at present.
There is but one unfortunate situation to report. The people are growing
aware of Hearst, and are repudiating Hearst, but the newspapers, including
many which fought Hearst for two generations, generally stood by his side
when he turned Republican. Most of them had the good sense to keep quiet.
But the same hypocrisy prevailed as many years ago when the courts found a
Hearst news service guilty of the theft of news from the Associated Press
and neither the A.P. nor the American Newspaper Publishers Association had
the courage to expel Hearst.
Among the small minority which exercised the freedom of the press to expose
their fellow publisher were the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Seattle Star,
the New York Post, and the New York Herald Tribune which published an
interview with William Allen White who said prophetically that "I believe
that Hearst as an ally of any politician is a form of political suicide."
In Seattle the Star answered the Post-Intelligencer's charge that the
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America was Communistic because
it co-operated with the American Civil Liberties Union by saying, "It is a
deliberate, gratuitous, malicious, insulting, damnable lie. And W.R. Hearst
knows it is a lie. In his campaign of frightfulness with which he has
undertaken to browbeat and stifle all Americans who won't accept his brand
of politics this mad hatter of yellow journalism has at last gone too far.
It is high time for the pendulum of public opinion to swing back the other
way and to bump this bullying, would-be dictator off his paper throne."
In the Post, Ernest L. Meyer wrote: "Mr. Hearst in his long and not
laudable career has inflamed Americans against Spaniards, Americans against
Japanese, Americans against Filipinos, Americans against Russians, and in
the pursuit of his incendiary campaign he has printed downright lies, forged
documents, faked atrocity stories, inflammatory editorials, sensational
cartoons and photographs and other devices by which he abetted his
jingoistic ends."
It has taken forty-five years for the intelligent minority of the American
people to turn against Hearst. But the turn has come. Despite the fact that
he controls the channels of communications which reach 30,000,000 readers
and more movie goers and radio listeners it has been possible through a few
newspapers, a few liberal organizations, the small liberal press, some
books, some speeches in Congress, to arouse public opinion sufficiently to
boycott the man generally admitted No. 1 enemy of the American people.
The history of Hearst should be a lesson to the other reactionary
publishers of America, but it probably will not be. The American people
will have to exercise eternal vigilance against the smaller Hearsts in the
House of Press Lords.
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