Vote No on Prop 21:
The Latest Scam of
the US Prison Industrial Complex

  • Over 2,000,000 people are now in US prisons
  • More than half are non-violent offenders, many on trivial drug charges
  • 25% of the world's prisoners are behind bars in the US
  • Federal prisons expect a 50% increase in the next six years
  • Prop 21 wants to put juveniles behind bars for offences like graffiti and shoplifting

  • References

  • Money + Politics = Jailed Kids

  • The Prison Industrial Proposition

  • Juvenile crime initiative has unlikely foes: L.A. police chief joins opponents of Proposition 21

  • Report blasts juvenile crime justice: Minorities face tougher treatment

  • Argument against Proposition 21

    Vote No on Prop 21 in California
    March 7, 2000

    Additional information

  • Who funded the Prop 21 campaign? - Pete Wilson, PG&E, Chervron, TransAmerica, Atlantic Richfield, San Diego Gas and Electric, and the Union Oil Company of California. At least one of these companies, Chevron, is known to employ prison labor (no benefits, no workplace rights, below minimum wage salaries)

  • Who does Prop 21 benefit? - The California Prison Guards Union

  • How much did this union give to Prop 21 advocate California Governor Gray Davis for his 1998 campaign? - $2,000,000

  • What do Californians get for their money? - Gut wrenching corruption supported by the state's top officials

  • Why is there a media war against kids? - Good question

  • More by Mike Males about the propaganda war against America's youth:

    - Framing Youth: 10 Myths About The Next Generation
    - The Scapegoat Generation:America's War on Adolescents
    - Smoked : Why Joe Camel Is Still Smiling

    Since 1980, California has become the number one builder of prisons in the United States, while its educational system, once the envy of the nation, now ranks 41 in terms of dollars spent per student. Proposition 21 will build even more prisons at the further expense of educational, counseling and social programs for young people.

    Vote No on Prop 21 in California
    March 7, 2000

    This site is dedicated to the memory of Chris Cummings (1959-2000)
    A brilliant mathematician who never calculated when dealing with his fellow man